Admin Misuse/Abuse Reporting
Report Admin Misuse or Abuse
If you believe an admin is misusing or abusing their powers, we take these issues very seriously. Please provide us with the details of the incident so we can investigate and take appropriate action.
What to Include in Your Report
- Admin's Name: The name of the admin involved in the incident.
- Server Name: The server where the abuse took place.
- Date of Incident: The date the incident occurred.
- Time of Incident: The specific time when the abuse took place.
- Details of Misuse/Abuse: A detailed description of the admin's actions that you believe to be abuse, including what was done and why it’s considered misuse.
- Evidence: Any evidence that supports your claim, such as screenshots, demo files, or witness statements.
How to Submit Your Report
Once you've compiled all the necessary details, please submit the report form. We will review the report and take the necessary actions based on our findings.
Report Admin Abuse [Click Here]