Username: Yasmine
The position you are applying for ?
Forum Moderator
Your Age?
Nickname in Game?
Virusメ Malika
Your Discord Tag?
Introduce Yourself!
Yasmine, I'm playing cs since 1 year ago.
Do you read, write and understand English well?
Do you know the Rules?
Yes, all of them
Why are you submitting this application?
I want to help the forum and servers and make the players/new ppl read and respect the rules of our servers and forum.
The position you are applying for ?
Forum Moderator
Your Age?
Nickname in Game?
Virusメ Malika
Your Discord Tag?
Introduce Yourself!
Yasmine, I'm playing cs since 1 year ago.
Do you read, write and understand English well?
Do you know the Rules?
Yes, all of them
Why are you submitting this application?
I want to help the forum and servers and make the players/new ppl read and respect the rules of our servers and forum.
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